Space Exploration
“Cruising though the Universe at the Speed of Majority”
Spring Membership Program / Scottish Rite Membership Class

All new initiates into DeMolay Chapters in DeMolay International will be included in the Scottish Rite Membership Class honoring Sovereign Grand Commanders Walter Webber and Ronald Seale. Dates of the Class are from January 15, 2005 to June 1, 2004.

All first line signers will receive the following: “Thank you” letters from the Grand Master, Congress Officers, Executive Director and from the Sovereign Grand Commanders. In addition, an application for membership and CD with a request to continue to pursue new members will be included.

Individual Prize
1st à A trip for you and 1 adult (parental age) to any Conclave/Convention of your choice in the Continental US.

2nd à IPOD

3rd à Digital Camera or DeMolay Membership Bomber Leather Jacket or $250.00

Chapter Prizes*:
1st à The Ultimate Headquarters Package (TV/ DVD/VCR Combo, Playstation 2 or Xbox, 2 Video Games, CD player) or $1000.00

2nd à Custom DeMolay Space Exploration Style Polo Shirts (Scottish Rite/DeMolay Emblems) or $750.00

3rd à Set of Officer Jewels from the DeMolay & More Store or $200.00

Jurisdiction Prize*:
DeMolay International pays for a Member Based Activity for your home jurisdiction! With the Congress Officers and Grand Master in attendance! (subject to schedule changes) or $2000

Point System – Each Jurisdiction is rewarded Space Miles, based on the system below and whatever jurisdiction gets collects the most miles wins:

Chapter Breaks Majorities: 10,000 miles (One time only)
Chapter gets for each member initiated above their majorities: 1,000 miles each
Jurisdiction Breaks Majorities: 40,000 miles plus 1,000 miles for each additional initiate above majority

The total points the Jurisdiction has been awarded will be divided by the number of Chapters in the Jurisdiction. This will make the competition proportionally equal.

* = Chapter or Jurisdiction must break their six months majority.

Details: If there is a tie for 1stor 2nd place, a coin flip will decide who shall receive that prize and who will receive the 2nd or 3rd place prize. We maintain the right, however, to find possible funding for additional prizes. Coin flips will take place at the Service and Leadership Center in Kansas City, Missouri.


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Associazione Culturale DeMolay Italia, Via Longino Caio Cassio, 13
00175 Roma, P.I. & C.F. 97290620588.

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