2004 Positive Membership Growth
We are most pleased to announce that our first Jurisdiction to achieve positive growth for 2004 is the Jurisdiction of Italy. They have initiated eleven (11) new members since January 1st, and have ten (10) majorities for this year as well. Congratulations Italy! The Jurisdiction of Tennessee deserves to be mentioned as well. They have initiated twenty-one (21) new members since January 1st and have twenty-one (21) majorities for the year. They need just one more to show that positive growth.


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Associazione Culturale DeMolay Italia, Via Longino Caio Cassio, 13
00175 Roma, P.I. & C.F. 97290620588. info@demolay.it

Copyright 2018 DeMolay.it. Tutti i diritti riservati.